Tuesday, January 22, 2008

We're Up To Halloween!

We spent Holloween with Shawn's side of the family.

He went as Shaggy (complete with Scooby-Doo):

Cousin Ali was a rock star:

And Bree was a unicorn (because Mommy always wanted one):

"So, explain to me again why you're wheeling me around the neighborhood at night in this outlandish getup and begging candy from complete strangers? (You guys are so weird.)"

The loot:

Relaxing with Grandpa:

More Catching Up...

Alrighty, then! Now that all of the holiday craziness has settled down, we can get back to posting!

The weekend before Halloween, we met Grammie at Aunt Pat's in Oregon City and also met up with some other family members.

Lana sent along a new book for Bree.
Looks like a winner!

Then Bree met her second cousin, Lauren.

"Tag, you're it!"

"No, you're it!

Then the mutual distraction:

So cute!